
受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
(4) 英専 通年 4 2 David J.Zmijewski

Graduation Thesis Writing

In this course the students will produce a graduation thesis in English.

The first semester students will learn how to use outside sources in their
writing and study the MLA Handbook for academic writing. A first draft of
the graduation thesis will be due at the beginning of the second semester.
During the second semester, the instructor will be working with the
students and guiding them through the process of rewriting in order that
they produce an original thesis of which they can be proud.

There will be a series of deadlines at which time the work in progress must be completed and handed in for the instructor's evaluation. Failure to meet these deadlines could result in an unacceptable thesis. Students will need to write and research individually. Critical thinking is more important than perfect English in the production of a graduation thesis.

テキスト書名 編・著者名 出版社 価格
No text. Handouts will be provided by the instructor.      
